Often housework such as vacuuming requires constant effort and ends up becoming heavy and unpleasant. However, cleaning companies may be out of our budget and we have no choice but to ironing, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, etc. for ourselves. For this reason, FAPP works every day to facilitate these cleaning tasks... read more →
Nowadays, the importance of having a cleaning equipment quality has increased exponentially thanks to the demands of industrial cleaning and hygiene in the company. However, meet all requirements is not an easy matter. Perform a manually professional cleaning or with traditional cleaning machinery can cost money, time and often some... read more →
Fapp knows that when it comes to a new way of doing things, we tend to doubt their effectiveness until we prove otherwise and have clear how to act properly. Therefore, experts in industrial vacuums of Fapp want to introduce a new way to vacuum and clean both your home... read more →
Professional cleaning includes a variety of industrial sectors such as chemicals, automotive, food industry, railways, etc. So when we talk about industrial cleaning in Fapp Sistemas de Aspiración we refer to the cleaning process customized for each industrial sector and even each company, according to the needs and requirements of... read more →
Fapp Sistemas de Aspiración has just renewed the ISO 9001:2008 certification. For us, this is not just a requirement from many of our customers, but a real commitment to constantly improve our products and processes. With the help of our internal auditor, this year we have developed an advanced project... read more →
Mondelez, formerly Kraft, has been the last firm to be added to our long list of clients from the food sector. Mondelez is the manufacturer of iconic brands such as Fontaneda, LU, Oreo, Trident, Halls, Milka, Suchard, Saimaza, Philadelphia, or El Caserío. Leading companies such as Europastry, Chupa-Chups, Hochland, Unilever... read more →
Durability is a crucial feature we want for our vacuum cleaners. Often times, vacuum cleaners are used in demanding industries, with non-stop processes, many different users, and unavoidable collisions. For this reason, our vacuum cleaners are designed and made out of robust and durable materials. Recently, the hardware company Lema... read more →
To eliminate mite dust, the Sociedad Española de Inmunología Clínica, Alergología y Asma Pediátrica (SEICAP) recommends regular vacuuming of sofas and beds of allergic people, as well as the use of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. With conventional vacuum cleaners, part of the dust remains in the bag, trapped by... read more →
SENER, a worldwide leading engineering and construction firm, has entrusted Fapp with the design of a passenger-train cleaning cabin for the railway Toluca-Valle in Mexico. This project, which is part of the "Plan Nacional de Infraestructuras del Gobierno de Mexico", consists of a 60km railway (a 5km tunnel, 40km of... read more →
The innovative ozone cleaning system drastically reduces chemical and water use, without compromising the core functions of cleaning, scraping or disinfecting. Research done at The Pasteur Institute of Lille (Universiteit Gent) finds that the ozone system (O3) is extremely effective as a bactericide and microbicide, as well as a traditional... read more →